Anna's Daughters

Ministering to Widows

Anna’s Daughters is a ministry designed to assist women following the loss of their husbands.


Anna's Daughters is a very simple way to connect with other women who have lost their spouse. With several widows at our church, our hope is that each woman will be loved and cared for in a small-group setting. We have witnessed the fruit of women coming together, listening and sharing their stories, and celebrating with one another as we continue to move forward. If you are seeking deep friendship and support, we hope you will contact us and allow us to connect with you. Anna's Daughters meets the first Tuesday of every month in the OHBC Gardens beginning at noon! 

You're Not Alone

To learn more about Anna's Daughters, complete the form below to be contacted by an Anna's Daughter representative. 

Let Us Help You

If you have a question or prayer request for out Anna's Daughters don't hesitate to ask.

James 1:27

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."