Our Foundation For Worship
Jesus’ teaching from John 4:23-24 serves as the biblical foundation for our philosophy of worship: “But the hour is coming, and now is here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.”
Worshiping in Spirit
At Oak Hill, corporate worship is highly participatory. We invite our people to worship with passion and energy. We don’t want to be lazy or lethargic when it comes to worship. Instead, we want to be enthusiastic and demonstrative. Scripture allows for a great deal of freedom in worship (clapping, kneeling, raising hands, etc.), but we should never lose sight of the object of our worship: we worship God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Emotions are an expected part of worship, but should never be manipulated or fabricated. Healthy and appropriate expression of emotion are part of what it means to worship genuinely in the spirit.
Worshiping in Truth
The Bible is the ultimate authority when it comes to worship. At Oak Hill, we strive to worship in truth: the truth of who God is as revealed in Scripture. Strict attention is paid to theological content, ensuring that every lyric that is sung, ever word spoken, and every art form expressed is biblically sound and supported. We also look to God’s Word to discern how God desires to be worshiped rather than follow the words of man or the latest cultural fad.
Finally, we are committed to being “true worshipers,” worshiping in spirit and in truth. At Oak Hill, we aim to deliver a high-impact service that helps people connect with God in deep and meaningful ways and facilitates authentic life change. We pray that as we worship through song, we would offer God the praise and glory He inherently deserves, respond to His character and promises that He reveals to us in His Word, and encourage one another to attain a greater understanding and awe of our God. This is a high calling. It should never be taken lightly or gone about haphazardly. Achieving a service like this takes a great deal of forethought, dedication, prayerful planning, and handwork, but the reward is great, and we get to be a part of it. To God be the glory.
It is a great privilege to be a part of this ministry and takes significant commitment. I want you to go into this with eyes wide open. It is important to count the cost before committing. More than musical ability, this ministry is founded on servant leaders whom the Lord has specifically called; individuals who have abandoned their egos and desire to humbly serve the church in any capacity.
Finally, we are committed to being “true worshipers,” worshiping in spirit and in truth. At Oak Hill, we aim to deliver a high-impact service that helps people connect with God in deep and meaningful ways and facilitates authentic life change. We pray that as we worship through song, we would offer God the praise and glory He inherently deserves, respond to His character and promises that He reveals to us in His Word, and encourage one another to attain a greater understanding and awe of our God. This is a high calling. It should never be taken lightly or gone about haphazardly. Achieving a service like this takes a great deal of forethought, dedication, prayerful planning, and handwork, but the reward is great, and we get to be a part of it. To God be the glory.
It is a great privilege to be a part of this ministry and takes significant commitment. I want you to go into this with eyes wide open. It is important to count the cost before committing. More than musical ability, this ministry is founded on servant leaders whom the Lord has specifically called; individuals who have abandoned their egos and desire to humbly serve the church in any capacity.
Serve With Us
If you're interested in volunteering for our Worship Ministry please fill out the form below.